Sarai Rodríguez Navarro

Senior Project Manager

BSc in Biotechnology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB), MSc in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Industry (Pompeu Fabra University, UPF), PhD in Medicine (Autonomous University of Barcelona, UAB).

Sarai has worked in the medical-scientific field for +15 years (working in the 061 healthcare emergency service while she was still a student, doing preclinical research during her PhD and working in science management afterwards) and has experience in academic publishing, science communication, pharmaceutical industry and R+D+i management.

She spent six years at VHIR (Vall d’Hebron Research Institute), in which she was involved in preclinical studies to find new treatments for cirrhosis and portal hypertension. She also did some research stages in Budapest (Hungary), Belfast (UK) and Bern (Switzerland).

After her biomedical research career, she started working for MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), an open access publisher, as a scientific editor. Then, she moved to CIMTI (Centre for the Integration of MedTech Innovation in Catalonia) to work as an innovation project manager and during the Covid-19 pandemic she was working as a Medical Information Specialist for the Janssen Covid-19 vaccine. Lately, she was the scientific project manager of EU-PEARL, an IMI project aiming at changing the paradigm of clinical trials in Europe accelerating drug development, at VHIR and was also an associate teacher at UOC (Open University of Catalonia).

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