compRehensive mEthodological and operational Approach to cLinical trialS in ultra-rarE Diseases
Duration: 2025-2029
Budget: €17M
Partners: 38 organisations
Coordinators: Sigmund Freud Private University and AstraZeneca
Website: Realise D / Transforming Clinical trials for Ultra-Rare Diseases
RealiseD’s ambition is to improve the lives of millions of people living with a rare and ultra-rare disease across Europe and beyond by developing cutting-edge operational and methodological tools and resources that can dramatically advance the evaluation of new treatments.
By bringing together experts from various fields, RealiseD will:
Generate cutting-edge operational and methodological tools and resources through a co-creation process involving clinicians, methodologists, pharmaceutical industry researchers, representatives from patient organisations, regulatory agencies and HTA bodies.
Collaborate with European Reference Networks (ERNs) to create a network of clinical trial sites across Europe and streamline the process of finding and enrolling patients in clinical trials.
Accelerate therapeutic development and improve patient outcomes for over 30 million people living with rare diseases in Europe, most of whom suffer from ultra-rare diseases and have no treatment options.
Establish new gold standards for clinical trials in rare and ultra-rare diseases through a partnership of nearly 40 public and private organisations.
Teamit’s role in the project:
For the latest information on the project, click here.