
compRehensive mEthodological and operational Approach to cLinical trialS in ultra-rarE Diseases

Duration: 2025-2029

Budget: €17M

Partners: 38 organisations 

Coordinators: Sigmund Freud Private University and AstraZeneca 

Website: Realise D / Transforming Clinical trials for Ultra-Rare Diseases



RealiseD’s ambition is to improve the lives of millions of people living with a rare and ultra-rare disease across Europe and beyond by developing cutting-edge operational and methodological tools and resources that can dramatically advance the evaluation of new treatments.


By bringing together experts from various fields, RealiseD will:

  • Generate cutting-edge operational and methodological tools and resources through a co-creation process involving clinicians, methodologists, pharmaceutical industry researchers, representatives from patient organisations, regulatory agencies and HTA bodies.

  • Collaborate with European Reference Networks (ERNs) to create a network of clinical trial sites across Europe and streamline the process of finding and enrolling patients in clinical trials.

  • Accelerate therapeutic development and improve patient outcomes for over 30 million people living with rare diseases in Europe, most of whom suffer from ultra-rare diseases and have no treatment options.

  • Establish new gold standards for clinical trials in rare and ultra-rare diseases through a partnership of nearly 40 public and private organisations.

Teamit’s role in the project: 

  • Project management  
  • Communication

For the latest information on the project, click here