Teamit participates in the Black Pearl Awards event to mark Rare Disease Day

Teamit CEO, Eva Molero took part in a closed virtual discussion table organised by EURORDIS in the context of the 11th edition of the Black Pearl Awards held on February 8th. This event preceded Rare Disease Day next February 28th, an international awareness-raising campaign for rare diseases, coordinated by EURORDIS.

Several multi-stakeholder table discussions celebrating the outstanding work of this year’s awardees took place in parallel before the Black Pearl Awards ceremony. Specifically, Eva Molero participated in the table held in honour of this year’s recipient of the Company Award for Health Technology, Aparito. The discussion was moderated by EURORDIS’ Therapeutic Development Director, Virginie Hivert and Patient Engagement Manager, Maria Cavaller, and was supported by Elizabeth Vroom, member of the EURORDIS Board of Directors. The discussion centred around topics including patient engagement in medicines development and use of patient-generated data in regulatory decisions.

“Attending the Black Pearl awards ceremony has been so inspiring! Listening to the patient community and the awardees gives purpose to all efforts we are doing in research projects tackling rare diseases” expressed Molero.

During Rare Disease Day, thousands of events take place in over 100 countries and regions, uniting millions of people living with a rare disease worldwide. The Black Pearl Awards is one of the most prominent and represents a perfect opportunity for the rare diseases community to gather online.

More information about Black Pearl Awards