European project management training at EURORDIS

Face to face trainings are slowly coming back. Last September, Teamit Research experts in European project management offered a two-day training programme at EURORDIS headquarters in Paris. The course delved into key aspects to write a successful proposal. It was attended by 14 EURORDIS staff members. EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe is a non-profit alliance of 970 rare disease patient organisations from 74 countries that work together to improve the lives of the 30 million people living with a rare disease in Europe.

During the first day, participants learned more about how to transform an innovative idea into a work plan, configurate a consortium or develop the project budget. The course also took a close look at legal and financial aspects, risk management, excellence, impact, communication, and exploitation. “The preparation phase of project proposals is a key moment. It is also highly complex. Besides scientific aspects, it also needs to explain its excellence and innovative capacity, address social challenges, political priorities at European level and the impact of research in the medium and long term” explains Eva Molero, CEO of Teamit Research.

Participants learned more about how to transform an innovative idea into a work plan, configurate a consortium or develop the project budget.

Most of the second day was entirely devoted to putting theory into practise. Participants worked in two groups simulating two consortia competing in the same topic. They also had to adopt the role of a reviewer and provide constructive feedback to the other proposal. “Keeping a critical outlook is key to make a project proposal even stronger” confirms Martina Spadetto, Head of Management at Teamit Research.

“Keeping a critical outlook is key to make a project proposal even stronger” confirms Martina Spadetto, Head of Management at Teamit Research.

During the pandemic Teamit Research continued with its regular training activity online. It has now started scheduling again face to face courses, observing country specific COVID-19 measures to ensure safety. The company offers a variety of training programmes related to project design and management in the context of European Commission funded projects. These educational activities are designed and delivered mostly as in-company activities and are organised for a variety of institutions, mostly public and governmental agencies, and research institutions. Teamit professionals have been involved in training activities for the last 15 years and have delivered courses at universities, hospitals, research institutes and governmental agencies.

If you wish to receive more information about our training programmes, please contact us at