Experts in scientific management of pharmacoepidemiology research and regulatory science initiatives

At Teamit Institute, we:

Coordinate studies to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medicines and vaccines

Facilitate the advancement and application of novel health technologies and methodologies

Build international partnerships aiding public and private organisations to fulfil their scientific potential

Provide quality management consultancy to comply with the pharmacovigilance standards for medicines and vaccines research

We work according to research management best practices through a quality management system that:

Meets medical research quality requirements

Increases process efficiency

Ensures regulatory compliance


Scientific management of pharmacoepidemiology, safety and effectiveness studies of medicines and vaccines based on real-world evidence

Post-authorisation safety studies

Post-authorisation effectiveness studies

Medicines and vaccines utilisation

Guidance, management, and scientific support to EMA regulatory procedures at different stages of medicines/therapies, devices, and methodologies development

EMA Scientific Advice and protocol assistance

Qualification of novel methodologies for medicine development

Innovation Task Force briefing meeting

Expertise in the coordination, governance and business development of multistakeholder international networks dedicated to pharmacoepidemiology

(Vaccine monitoring collaboration for Europe)

International network of multi-stakeholders that promotes real world evidence creation on vaccine coverage, safety, and effectiveness. VAC4EU has 24 members, from 9 European countries, and 17 data access providers covering an overall population of 152 million.

EU-ADR Alliance
(Exploring and Understanding Adverse Drug Reactions)

European collaboration framework that conducts multi-database studies to answer pharmacoepidemiologic and drug safety questions, covering about 20 million active population.



We are actively conducting 11 Pharmacoepidemiology and Real-Word Evidence studies, and have successfully finalised 3.

  • 7 vaccine studies
  • 4 medicine studies
  • 9 requested by Industry
  • 2 requested by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC)
  • 2 EMA studies finalised


Our work has resulted in the generation of 11 publications, furthering the understanding of Pharmacoepidemiology and Real-World Evidence


1 Qualification of novel methodologies for medicine development

3 Innovation Task Force briefing meetings

  • Regulatory assessment on the potential use of clinical information collected on the human respiratory syncytial virus disease by the RESCEU IMI project
  • Regulatory advice on the values of the concept and methodology of an Integrated Research Platform for Major Depressive Disorder developed by the EU-PEARL IMI project
  • Preclinical regulatory assessment for novel molecular therapies developed by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)



Gianmarco Di Mauro, MSc, PhD
Head of Partnerships

Fabio Riefolo, MSc, PhD
Study Manager

Dana Danielescu
Project Manager

Elena Palà Vila, MSc, PhD 
Study Manager

Irene Pazos, MSc, PhD 
Junior Study Manager

Anna Brutau Abia, MSc, PhD 
Junior Study and Quality Manager

Where we are

Barcelona Health Hub
Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau
c/ Sant Antoni María Claret, 167
08025 Barcelona (Spain)

Get in touch!

T +34 930 180 163



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