FIBROTARGET: Advancing IBD fibrosis diagnosis and therapies
Budget: €5.68M (Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Action Funding Programme)
Duration: 2023-2028
Participants: 8 partners
Coordinator: KU Leuven (University of Leuven)

TEAMIT participates in FIBROTARGET, which aims to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal fibrosis and fibrostenosis. These are crippling conditions associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which have no treatments currently.

FIBROTARGET is expected to deliver real-world impact by:

  • Discovering and validating biomarkers to detect fibrosis early and reduce the likelihood of irreversible tissue damage.
  • Developing and testing cutting-edge techniques to enhance the diagnosis and prognosis of intestinal fibrosis.
  • Implementing a first-in-human, proof-of-concept trial of immunotherapeutic drugs for IBD and other possible fibrosis-related diseases.