Teamit Institute to Help Advance Light-based Therapies in Promising €3M-funded EU Project

Teamit Institute is proud to share some exciting news to kick off 2024!   

Teamit Institute joins forces with a consortium of 7 other institutions from across 4 countries for the next 3 years to implement the PHOTOTHERAPORT project. This collaborative effort, supported by the prestigious Pathfinder Open programme of the European Innovation Council (EIC), aims to advance the field of light-based therapies. As a key participant, Teamit Institute will provide regulatory expertise, and conceive, guide and support the technology exploitation strategy.   

Under the coordination of Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the PHOTOTHERAPORT consortium includes renowned institutions such as the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), Tampere University (TAU) in Finland, Technion Institute of Technology (TIIT) in Israel, Riga Stradins University (RSU) in Latvia, University of Cádiz (UCA), and the Barcelona Institute for Biomedical Research (IIBB-CSIC).  

The primary focus of PHOTOTHERAPORT is to develop luminescent implants, so they may serve as ports for light-based therapies—a concept like the use of ports in chemotherapy for drug delivery. The innovative PhotoTheraPort platform will strive to resolve a common challenge encountered in medical interventions: the attenuation of visible light as it passes through soft tissues and bones before reaching the targeted site. As the depth of the target tissues and organs increases, this attenuation becomes more pronounced. In that regard, PHOTOTHERAPORT stands to be a possibly groundbreaking solution to enhance the efficacy of light-based treatments. 

Stay tuned in the coming weeks. We’ll share more information about the project, with a special interview with Teamit Institute Study Manager Fabio Riefolo.