Federica Righi

Head of Strategy and Innovation

University degree in Political Science (Luiss University, Rome), Master Degree in Human Rights and Conflict Management (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa), Executive Master of Business and Administration (Escuela Organización Industrial, Madrid).

Federica has built a strong career path focused on research and innovation project management working with a great variety of institutions from clinical research centers, universities, governamental and non-governamental institutions and international organizations. Her main areas of expertise are health innovation management, responsible research and innovation (RRI) and clinical and translational research management.  

She started her career as Project Officer at the World Health Organization (OMS) from 2006 to 2008 managing a European funded project aiming at building a European framework for Emergency Medical Services in the 27 EU countries. From 2009 to 2010 she collaborated with Ongawa – Engineers without Borders coordinating an international development project on water, hygiene and sanitation in more than 10 remote villages in Tanzania. In 2012-2014 she worked at Málaga City Council to manage EU funded projects fostering the empowerment of  of civil society organizations for a more inclusive and participatory society. After obtaining her executive MBA in 2015, she worked during 3 years (2016-2018) as Research Associate at IESE Business School in the Healthcare Innovational Management Reserarch Center where she contributed to the exploitation and sustainability strategies in research and innovation EU funded projects, as well as she’s been coordinating an EIT Health strategic initiative to empower women leadership in health innovation. Finally, her last professional experience was at Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) where she covered different roles since 2019 as Head of Strategic Projects and ultimately as Director of the Competitive Research Office.

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