Teamit Institute Shares its Latest Two Publications in COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Research

boy receiving bandaid from doctor after vaccine

In the ongoing battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, scientific research continues to pave the way in our understanding of vaccine safety and efficacy. Recently, Teamit Institute (with the great support of study manager Fabio Riefolo) helped make significant strides in this field, participating in two insightful publications on the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines. 

The first publication, titled “Frequency and Timing of Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccines; A Multi-country Cohort Event Monitoring Study,” came to light in Vaccine. This study, conducted as part of the COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring Project (CVM), aimed to assess adverse reactions associated with various COVID-19 vaccines across multiple countries. Led by the EU PE&PV Research Network in collaboration with VAC4EU (to which Teamit Institute belongs) and UMC Utrecht, the study employed a cohort event monitoring system to estimate, describe, analyse, and compare the incidence rates of patient-reported adverse reactions. The findings provide valuable insights into the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines, informing ongoing vaccination strategies and enhancing public health measures. 

Hot on the heels of this milestone, Teamit Institute unveiled another publication titled “Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines in Persons with Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A European Multi-Country Study“. This paper was also published in Vaccines, focusing on monitoring adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination among individuals with and without a previous history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. By comparing adverse event profiles after the first vaccination cycle and booster shots, the research offers a crucial look into the safety considerations for different population groups. The collaborative effort, spearheaded by the EU PE&PV Research Network in partnership with VAC4EU and UMC Utrecht, underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing global health challenges. 

In the same vein, both publications underpin Teamit Institute’s commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and helping facilitate decision-making processes related to vaccines. By conducting rigorous research and fostering collaboration across borders, Teamit Institute continues to play a pivotal role in supporting the shaping of evidence-based strategies in public health. 

Stay tuned for more updates as Teamit Institute remains dedicated to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery for healthier outcomes for all.