Marking World Environment Day at Teamit

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th to raise awareness and promote actions to protect our planet. This year’s theme is “Our Land. Our Future. We are Generation Restoration” and focuses on the urgent need to revive ecosystems and “make peace with land”.

As an organisation, we are committed to taking steps to reduce our environmental impact. One way we are doing this is through our involvement in the PREMIER initiative. This IMI project brings together a world-leading multi-disciplinary consortium of 25 partners from the public and private sectors, all working towards a sustainable future by proactively managing the environmental impact of medicines. PREMIER is designing a novel information and assessment system for identifying and addressing the environmental risks of medicines, especially for those with limited data availability. The project also explores options to incorporate environmental considerations earlier in the drug development process to ultimately support the establishment of a new European standard for environmental protection.

Beyond our commitment to sustainability through game-changing research projects, we believe that every small action counts and can make a difference for the future of our planet. That’s why we asked some of our team members to share their tips and actions for being environmentally friendly in their day-to-day lives. Here are some of the responses we received:


These are just some of the examples of how our team members are making a positive impact on the environment. We encourage you to join us in marking World Environment Day and take action to restore our planet. You can find more information and resources on the official World Environment Day website.